Omg Rylee Has Teeth! I can't believe it. I wasn't expecting this so soon. Logan didn't get a tooth until he was eight months. Rylee is only 5 months old! I was so excited I just had to get a picture to post. I finally got her to smile and the picture came out blurry!!
then I took another picture and she refused to smile. She is so silly She is making the funniest face in this picture! She is still so dang cute though.........
Finally I got it! You can't see her teeth really good. (It's on the bottom) One of the teeth is poking up and the other just broke though this morning. She hasn't even been one bit fussy! I have such a good baby.
Grandma Ann was playing with her on Thursday and was the one to discover the tooth. It was so shocking, she turned to me and said "Mel did you know Rylee has a tooth!" I just couldn't believe it. I can't believe how quick she is growing!
You are so right. . . she is such a good baby. I could just still her from you.
We had so much fun with her and Logan these past few days.
What will we do with out you next door? Lindsay just LOVES Rylee (and Logan) so much and is so sad to have you move. Hope you come and visit sometimes.
Hey girl, cute baby! Did you get my email? I assume you found someone to work for you. My company bailed out on us at the last minute. Let me know if I can help you out again sometime. Great update! What's this your moving?
She looks so different! I haven't seen her since Christmas and she looks like a whole new baby. She is so cute! I am excited that you guys will be closer so we can let the kids play this summer!
Wow, I cannot believe she has teeth already too! Are you nursing? or should I say were you nursing? :) Ouch!
Now that you are gone you have to update your blog more often so we know what is going on. We need to see more pictures of your cute kiddies!
who knew you moved??? just dropping in to say hello :) cute blog!
I agree with Brooke's 2nd comment. UPDATE!!! Us southern utah people want to see you and your cute kids. I'll stop at your new place of work sometime in Nephi. Love Nicole in Kanab
Hey you! How've you been? I hope you update your blog so we can keep up with you!! We miss ya! Miss Rylee is so adorable! So is Logan & I can't believe you've been gone this long! Please come visit soon!
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