Logan is finally getting use to the fact that he has a little sister! Besides stilling her Binky, he is loving and kind to her. He loves to hold her and when she cries he runs right over to save her. He even has his own language when he talks to her(The tone in his voice changes completely). It so fun having the two of them and watching there relationship grow. What would I do with out these two???
That first picture is so cute. Rylee and her cute smile. She can get away with anything as long as she smiles right?! At least with me she can.
I have to tell you how excited Lindsay was when she walked into the office and saw your blog on my computer screen. She said, "hey that is Logans family" all excited. I had to show her all the pictures. She just loves you and your kids.
I am so glad that you blog now! Have you been doing it forever and I just haven't known? I put you on my list. Great pictures. Logan and Rylee are so cute!
I just want to eat Logan up-so stinkin cute!! Check out my blog at www.kimjonluck.blogspot.com. hope you are doing well and adjusting to 2 kids. It is fun to see their relationship grow huh?
Mel I love Logan! and Rylee is such a pretty baby I love her eyes! You guys have a cute little family! love ya
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