Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Logan's crazey sleeping

Yes, he is really sleeping! The other night Jake and I heard Logan make a weird noise in his room so we decided to check on him. Jake went in and ran back to our room saying I had to come and see Logan. I walked in the room and that is exactly what I saw. Logan was sitting straight up in his crib completely asleep!!!!! We love him so much he always is doing something crazy. We are also so proud of him because he is finally sleeping in his own bed all night long. It's great!


Brooke said...

K that is just to funny! What a crazy kid you have. He makes us laugh too.

Natalie said...

Yeah! I am so happy he is finally sleeping in his own crib. Hopefully that makes life a lot easier!

The Holland Family said...

so cute mel! Your kids are adorable. I'm going to miss seeing you if we aren't working together. We have to keep in "blog" touch. Nicole